Saturday, August 22, 2009

Very Close to Snapping

I've been trying to be more tolerant of Kristen recently but I can't take it anymore. How can someone be such a bitch? I mean, my personal belief is that "bitch" is a personality trait that you're born with but that doesn't excuse having no regard for other peoples feelings. Case in point, I know I'm a bitch but there are times when you've got to put yourself in check.

Over the past two weeks, my mom has gone to the doctor over something that they don't even know what's wrong and Nick had surgery on Wednesday morning. Instead of being scared and a nervous wreck like I've been, she bitched about having to wake up early to take care of "ginger baby" and even made the comment that it was going to be "the worst day ever". Who says something like that when something as dangerous as surgery to your little brother is going on? She really needs to get over herself. Mom's sad because she told her that when her and Neil get married (hahahahahaha) they're planning on moving away so they can be rid of his mother. Nice thought, huh? Hurt my mom because you're too much of a pussy to deal with the situation.

I know that I'm the loser older daughter that doesn't even have potential future boyfriends (let alone future husbands) but I promise myself everyday that when I find that someone that I'll make it work between us and between our families and even our friends. I want be "in love" but I don't want it in exchange for the massive amounts of love I have surrounding me now.

She's so selfish and beyond me hating her with my own reasons, I'm really starting to resent her for how she talks to my family.

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