Sunday, August 9, 2009


Last night instead of going out and getting drunk with Brit, I stayed at home in an attempt to save money. We had quesadillas and made margaritas and I forgot how trashed I get even after the smallest amount of tequila. Apparently I went on facebook and the boards and actually posted something but I don't remember doing such. Ah, I guess that's my form of drunk dialing...

I do remember my mother saying "We're gonna watch More to Love". More to Love, if you don't know, is The Bachelor for fat people. After the first 10 minutes I already wanted to kill myself. I don't know who I hate more, FOX for exploiting these girls or the girls themselves for allowing it to happen. I'm gonna call bull shit on some of it though. FOX has to be telling these girls what to say because no self respecting (or even self loathing) girl goes on tv and airs all of their business like that without being pushed, especially girls like me. Girls who are insecure but put up a strong front to keep from being hurt. It seems like there are a handful of them on the show that are from my mold and I think that's what did me in. Why would you do that to yourself? Maybe I'm the one that's wrong.

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