Monday, May 25, 2009

Bitch! I don't know your life! (pt. 2)

Roughly 115 days to training camp. *sigh* 3 days to my birthday. Eek! 5 days to ATL. Yay!

Scratch that whole "be a Brewers' fan" thing. I'm going to be a Twins' fan and it's going to be beautiful awesome. I actually sat down and watched the majority of a baseball game on tv and it didn't suck nearly as bad as I had imagined. Kelsey might also be the greatest friend ever because she bought me a "Got Joe Mauer?" t-shirt. I'd never buy something like that for myself even though it's one of the coolest things ever. He's pretty and so is the pitcher and most of the other players. Judge all you want about that, I don't care.

Oh but what I do care if I'm judged about is the decisions I make in my life. According to my douchebag aunt and uncle, I'm a drop out and a failure. While I did stop going to school, there were a lot of factors that stacked up to my decision to not go back. It may have seemed rash at the time that I told people but I struggled with that decision for a long time leading up to making it. I have moments of regret but I also know that overall it was the right decision for me to make at the time. If I was sitting at home, mooching off of my parents, letting my debt build up, sure. You'd have a reason to judge. I don't though. I have a job and I have so far payed back $3000 in 7 months to my student loan bill. I pay my phone and insurance bills and I even got approved for a car loan all by myself. I might not have the best, most luxurious life but I'm pretty damn happy with the things I get to do.

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