Scratch that whole "be a Brewers' fan" thing. I'm going to be a Twins' fan and it's going to be
Oh but what I do care if I'm judged about is the decisions I make in my life. According to my douchebag aunt and uncle, I'm a drop out and a failure. While I did stop going to school, there were a lot of factors that stacked up to my decision to not go back. It may have seemed rash at the time that I told people but I struggled with that decision for a long time leading up to making it. I have moments of regret but I also know that overall it was the right decision for me to make at the time. If I was sitting at home, mooching off of my parents, letting my debt build up, sure. You'd have a reason to judge. I don't though. I have a job and I have so far payed back $3000 in 7 months to my student loan bill. I pay my phone and insurance bills and I even got approved for a car loan all by myself. I might not have the best, most luxurious life but I'm pretty damn happy with the things I get to do.
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