Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Setting in... make it go away!

Reality is at it again. Trying to ruin everything the way it always does. I refuse to give in yet, though. Last night was the last regular season home game (see what I did there?) and that game was pure crap. I know my boys feel defeated, you can see it in their eyes, but I can't give in to that. I'm still holding on to that little bit of hope. That little smidgen of "hey, it could happen". I have to because if I don't I'll break down early. It may only be at most 5 days early, but that's 5 days that I'd rather not think about reality.

Because frankly, reality sucks big smelly donkey balls.

Karma may be a bitch but reality is kind of a whore... you know, since she likes the big donkey balls.

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