Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I took this from Aubrey's blog which can be found HERE.

The Random Letter of Happiness Meme
The rules: You are given a letter and you have to list ten things beginning with that letter that make you happy, and explain why they make you happy.

She shut her eyes and picked a letter. I slapped the keyboard and the first letter typed was "D". In no particular order, "D" things that make me happy. :-)

1. December. For several reasons, there's hockey, it's cold, Christmas and New Years are in December. The kids are out of school and there's been a roadtrip in December the past 2 years with this year being the 3rd. I love December.

2. Dancing. Not out in public but at home. I love acting silly and pretending I have a clue what I'm doing. Britney Spears doesn't have anything on me when we dance to "Stronger".

3. Downtown. Downtown Nashville is my favorite place to be. It's where Preds games are and some of my favorite times are when we're trecking back to the car a couple of blocks from the Sommet. We have the best skyline too. Hello? Batman building!

4. Driving alone. I love driving alone. I can sing as loud as I want to what ever type of music I want. I can cuss out other drivers and not have to censor myself. It's my time.

5. Defensemen. I don't know if that needs explaination. It's my favorite position in hockey and my favorite player is a Dman. Forwards get too much glory, it's all about the underrated guys who deny the flashy overrated dbags of a goal. Yes.

6. Daaz. This one is cheating but I don't care. Haagen Daaz makes me EXTREMELY happy. Pineapple Coconut ice cream is the most amazing ice cream EVER.

7. Doodling and drawing. You should see my calendar at work. Flowers, stick people, bubble letters... it makes me happy. I don't think I sat through a single class in my 5 years of college without drawing on the side of my notes or on my notebook. I'm no artist but I'm better than a 1st grader, maybe.

8. Dogs. In particular, my dog Muffin. She's my baby.

9. Decorating. I love decorating for Christmas or other holidays or even just random re-arranging. It makes me feel like a designer.

10. Drinking. Not to sound like a complete and total alchy but I do enjoy a good drink or few...

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

Your list is much awesomer than mine! (Mmmm defensemen :)