Monday, July 6, 2009

Rather, Rinse, Repeat

I really need to find a distraction to keep me sane until September-ish. As of right now, I wake up, go to work, eat dinner, sleep, and repeat. It's driving me mad. I don't have any friends in Murfreesboro and don't know what to do about making them here either. That's always been a struggle for me, even when I was in school. I'm not in college anymore. Do you know how difficult it is to meet new people when you work 7:30-5:30 M-F? Pretty damn.
Work is exhausting and frustrating right now too. We've been extremely busy. I'm glad from a paycheck/business POV, I guess but I wish that I had the energy to do things afterwards and until it's hockey season, I don't think much would pump me up and keep me running that late.
Frustrating aspect? The only guys my age I know are the ones I work with and that's less than a handful... probably 4. It would be much easier if they were all ugly or douchebags or both but they're not. They all seem like the guys I would have been friends with in high school.
One of which I've been trying desperately not to crush on for the past 2 1/2 years. He smokes, doesn't have "my hair" (either type actually), and is 100% out of my league. He's told me 2 years straight to let him know when I've got extra tix to a game and he'd go. No such luck. Even if it was only to blossom a friendship, it'd never work. I just hate that he is totally adorable, with nice lips, and looks sexy as hell in that blue button up shirt he wears once a week... did I mention he was born in Wisconsin? Now if only he'd be the douche that he should be, I'd feel better about the situation but he's not. He cracks jokes with me and is a total sweetheart but I guess he's douchey in disguise because he makes me want him pretty much every day.
The other I just met. He's worked there for maybe 2 months (maybe) and I have just recently discovered how nerdy/adorable he is. He talks to me every time I see him and seems like he cares about what I'm saying. I may try to invite him to a game or out when an opportunity presents itself but again, I'm not going to hold my breath. I'd welcome just a friendship with him too. Anything's better than nothing, I guess.
Another thing I don't understand about myself. How come all of the guys I end up crushing on are scrawny? This isn't on purpose, I swear. I know I'm not small and I'm definately not a size-ist. There's maybe been 3 and one of which decided to be gay 6 months into me knowing and trying to create something with him.

I think I'm going to be a catlady.

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