Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Just breath... it's not that easy though.

You know what sucks besides the Blue Jackets? Panic attacks. I have dealt with the God awful sensation of not being able to breath since I was 5. I don't know if I'm lucky that they hit at night or not and I can only think of 2 times in the past 10 years that one hit mid day when I was around people. At least at night I'm alone but it sucks to lay in bed, not being able to catch your breath or get a good deep one, and then you start to cry because to me, that's what dying feels like. I thought I was doing pretty good with them. I hadn't had one in awhile and then it hit like a truck Sunday night. I hate that feeling.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and blame it on me being worried about Nick. He went to the doctor today because he had this "thing" on his tonsil. I call it a "thing" because nobody seemed to know what it was. I couldn't help but to jump to the worst possible scenario in my mind and then it took several days of praying and pushing it to the farthest corner of my mind to make it go away.
About an hour ago, Nick called to tell me that the specialist said that he doesn't think it's anything to worry about and they're going to remove it but he will have to have surgery for that. Hopefully that was the reason for my worries. I really hope so because I don't want these to become a normal occurrence again.


Sarah said...

Sorry to hear about Nick! I hope everything turns out okay <3.

Kelly said...

Thanks. Me too. He's putting on a braver face than I could have. He's 18 now so he has to sign all the papers when he goes to the dr too. It's not sunk in that he's grown, he's still my baby bro.