Sunday, April 26, 2009

Billy Joel sings about moving out...

It's only been a week since I got my new car but I'm hankering to take the next step already. I want to move out so bad. Kristen is a super mega bitch and she's driving me crazy but we'll save that for another time. I help my parents out a lot but I don't think that they would need as much help if me and Kristen were both on our own. Now, I know that Kristen is a petty mooch so my theory won't be able to pan out but that's my thought process.
I make pretty good money at the job I'm at. The iffy part in all of it though is it's not consistant. I can only budget on 40 hours at my hourly rate which leaves me looking like I make much less than I do because that basically cuts my pay in half. That leaves me about $150 short to be able to budget in rent and electricity based on the certain numbers. I was very responsible in picking out the car I got. It's beautiful but isn't overly fancy. Who knows what I would have been able to be approved for but I'm glad I only tried for what I thought I would need. Instead of a $400 car payment like my aunts for her 07 Camry (bought brand new), I pay $160 for my 07 Cobalt (bought 2 years later). Her's is a much more luxurious car but they both serve the same purpose.
Anyway, back to moving out. I'm still seriously considering moving out this summer. I've come to the realization that I'm going to get what I pay for. I don't mind a place being older if the property looks nice. I'm going to be snooty because I refuse to live with Dane Cook in "rapeville" and believe me, there are plenty "rapeville" looking places in the Smyrna/Murfreesboro area (there's another thing, I want to live in Smyrna NOT the boro).
So while I sit at home, waiting for my laundry to go into the dryer bored stiff, I'm going to virtually plan my future apartment. It's no use waiting much longer because if I can't afford it now at the job I'm at, I won't be able to at all. Better to learn that now and to find out if I need to change jobs. I refuse to say career.

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