Wednesday, January 7, 2009


"After 15 straight losses, I say we find something else to rub."

I heard that song 3 times in the past 24 hours... all on the radio and during the drive home last night it hit me that those words fit almost too perfectly right now... well, the chorus anyways.

I'm so torn on how I should feel about my boys. I'm the homer. The one that loves them no matter what. Win or lose, I'm in my jersey, in my seat, with higher hopes than are sane for the outcome of the game if it involves my Preds. In my world, other teams are not cute and suck and my boys are rockstars. Period. They're not making it easy though. Why can't they make this easier? I just wish things would click for them and somehow I'm sitting here thinking of the little boy in Angels in the Outfield saying "It could happen" because in the land of Homerville that's the way we think.

I do feel shame and like my heart's been broken and like reality isn't going to let my happiness flourish but at the same time I'm so much of a homer that I don't really care. I will continue like always because if I've lost hope then there's probably no more hope out there... therefore, I'll hold out until the end.

I don't know what the problem is. I don't know if it's the captain or the coach or what. My personal belief is that we put too much faith into our overachieving 4th liners from the previous couple of years and it's come back to bite us in the bud. Is it their fault? No. But they're not the solution and that's what we need right now. Oh well, I'll put my jersey on again tomorrow night and I'll sit on our side of the glass because I'm no cheater and I'll get my hopes up that somehow we'll pull off a Red Wings type miracle game against a team with more offensive talent in their pinkies than we do on our entire team and when it's over, win or lose, I'll go to the PGS because it's what I do and I have fun doing it... you know, minus the whole depressed thing.

BTW, Congrats to Shea for getting to go to the All Star Game. I'm happy for him. Oh and Dion Phaneuf can suck Pavel Dat-suk-my-balls balls. That is all.

Also, Suter don't suck.

On a completely different, unrelated note, I'm going to move out. Final. I'm giving myself until July to do it and I know the where abouts of where I want to go too. I'm tired of living at home. I love my family... I guess even Kristen who drives me insane... but I can't handle living there much longer. I'm going to be 24 in May and that's old enough. I'm looking forward to a Goodwill/yard sale decorated apartment. If I could afford it sooner I would but I'd like to save up a little bit before that. I really can't wait.


Jenn said...

Get a place to live, I'll help you fill it.

Sarah said...

Lol. Dat-suck-my-balls.